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NCRF College Bound Tours

No Dream Deferred

NCRF College Bound Campus Tour 2023
In mid-July, NCRF staff members led a group of students on the 2023 HBCU/Ivy League College Tour. The trip was ambitious, and it was the first plane flight for several of the students. For the 13 students who toured over 16 colleges and 9 other historic and impactful sites over the 13-days, it was an exceptional experience.

NCRF's Upcoming Tours for 2024/2025 (Dates TBA)
Southern California Tour
Northern California/Oregon and Washington Tour
Ivy League and HBCU Tour
All About Alabama: Visit 14 HBCUs and Historical Sites
Southern HBCU Tour: Visit Multiple HBCUs and Historical Sites

Our Vision
NCRF College Bound Tours are student centered. It is essential to expose students to the vast world of higher education that lies beyond the reach of home. Realizing the value of higher education and taking it further, our philosophy is that every student should have the opportunity to attain the best education possible regardless of race, class, or gender. Students have the experience and opportunity to step on the campuses of these fine institutions and see the possibilities!

Interested in Joining Us for a Tour in 2024/2025?
Be the first to hear dates for upcoming tours and get links when registration opens by filling out this NCRF College Bound Tour Interest Form.

NCRF College Bound Tour
Interest Form

Please note: At this time, NCRF College Bound Tours originate from a Southern California Airport. At this time, we are not able to accommodate participants traveling separately. However, stay tuned as we may be able to offer additional departure cities for future tours.

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